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Michael Linden
Charite University Medicine Berlin

Michael Linden has studied medicine and psychology and is a state licensed phycisian in psychiatry, psychosomatic medicine and psychotherapy. He is Professor of Psychiatry and Psychosomatic Medicine, director of the Research Group Psychosomatic Rehabilitation at the Charité University Medicine Berlin, and medical director of the Institute of Behavior Therapy Berlin, Germany. He is speaker of the psychotherapy section of the German Association of Psychiatry, member of the Scientific Advisory Board on Psychotherapy of the Federal Chamber of Physicians and Psychotherapists.
He has published more than four hundred papers in peer reviewed journals, more than twenty books, and received more than fifteen scientific awards.
Research interests are cognitive behaviour therapy, side effects of psychotherapy, impairment and rehabilitation in psychological disorders, and reactive and embitterment disorders. 






日期 时间 会场 Session 角色 讲题
2021-10-15 16:10-16:50 主会场-三层-湖滨会堂AB厅


讲者 Wisdom psychology and wisdom therapy in the treatment of adjustment disorders